Negotiated Process of Being; I’ve been painting every day for 2600 days, although my daily ritual continues, over the past two years I’ve expanded my work to move beyond this self-imposed, rule based project.
I now understand the controlled parameters.


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The Daily Painting Project

Since 2009, Kennedy has been committed to an on-going daily painting project in which she creates one small acrylic painting a day.

As a young adult cancer survivor, she discovered living is not just surviving. The small, intimate paintings of everyday subjects seek to give a voice to the fiber of the everyday.


Lisa Daria Kennedy grew up along the northeast edge of the Hockomock Swamp in Massachusetts. She received her BA from Roger Williams University (1995) in Graphic Design and her BFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Illustration (1998), and her MFA from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2D (2013).

Kennedy has worked as a product and surface designer and illustrator in the international giftware industry. She is affiliated with Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI as the Design Editor for the literary publication, Mount Hope and is an Assistant Professor at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, MA.